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Meat Eaters For Dinner

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Meat Eaters For Dinner

Who's getting tired of being told there will be salad after telling someone your a vegan when they invite you to dinner. I was at this place one time, and they told me they were capable of preparing a vegan meal, and they brought me plain steamed peppers. I'm vegan; not a rabbit! I still need protein and other very important nutrients the same as every other human animal on the planet. I'm also tired of people deciding they aren't going to like vegan food before they try it. The ones that do venture to taste it declare they don't like it before the food even gets in their mouth. It always seems that the people that are most against my choice of a vegan diet are the ones who could use it the most.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi, I am coming from the opinion of the meat eater but am also a chef, you are right, the options in regular restraunts for vegans is appalling, but i think it is ignorance of cooking in general that is letting people down. for instance the roast is the centre piece of the table, and the veg takes second place. when will people start thinking outside the box when it comes to the sunday dinner and not cooking summit because its what mammy and granny cooked every day or wkend. when will the Veg become the centrepiece.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Invite them over, telling them you have a surprise. Get a stuffed Tofurky and serve it only to them. Have some great raw vegan gourmet dishes on the side. If you want to go all out, you can research how to make your own ginger ale in a 2-litre bottle. I suggest making it a couple of times until you tweek the recipe to your liking.

This is the best way to get your point across.

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